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Lost young black male cat

Lost young black male cat
Lost young black male cat

Lost black male cat, he is fixed. Medium length hair. Answers to "kitty kitty kitty" or "pickles" he meows a lot. He is missed dearly by our dog and myself. Please help bring Pickles home

I live in long beach. However my grandmother lives in Ontario. Thats where my cat went missing. They were fumigating out complex in LB so I took Pickles to my grandmas house. We stayed in the guest room for a couple of days and Pickles was fine he is an indoor/outdoor cat, I forgot his litter box (like a fool) and opened the window for him. (He was born in that house and learned to be an indoor outdoor cat there and then we moved to long Beach and he learned right away to come back to my place and his food and favorite place to sleep and our dog are here so he always came back. He did come back each time in Ontario However I left for work one day leaving him there, with the window open assuming he'd come back like he had been the whole time I was there. But he never came back. He is fixed. Had a collar on with a green star as the tag with mine and my boyfriends phone number on it. And he meows a lot, he's a young cat about 11 months old. The very tip of his tail looks normal, but if you touch it you'll feel that it has a permanent and prominent kink or bend at the tip of his tail. You can't see it because his tail is fluffy, so if you find a black cat plz feel for that feature in his tail. My dog misses him so so much now. They cuddled and wrestled together all the time. They grew up together. Im worried about his safety. He runs up to ppl walking their dogs because he thinks all dogs are friendly. He does hiss at cats however. He's far from his home.

Last seen in Ontario on Philadelphia and campus. Or could be on bon view. He's friendly but im worried someone has him and won't call the number for me or he has been hurt or hit by a car. Im desperate to find him. Anyone with any information or even a MAYBE sighting of a black cat please contact me i would greatly appreciate your help in bringing our beloved cat back home. Unfortunately I cannot afford to offer a substantial reward. I really wish I could, but I would be so grateful and beyond happy if anyone could help bring my big boy Pickles home.

Thank you for reading all of this!


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