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She went missing on the night of June 18th, 2020 in the Glendora area. Please help me find my baby!! She was a very sweet, loving and loyal cat, and my family and I miss her so much!!

My cat's name is coco and she is a very loving kitty. She was new to the outdoors so she always stayed relatively close to home. She loved playing with and chasing the birds, and she often napped on our neighbors' front lawn / grassy area. She always stayed close to home by only being in our next-door neighbor's front yard, or in the front yard of the neighbors across the street. This is because she would follow our other two kitties to go and play with them, but she never went into anyone's house. She has big blue eyes, a short brown tail that is bent at the tip, a brown face, brown paws, and brown spots on her back and stomach. Her fur is an off-white almost beige color. Her body is short in length, but she is a bit chubby. She isn't used to strangers so she's most likely timid around people, and if you try to pick her up she will probably put up a fight. She has NO COLLAR on, because we found it open on the floor by the neighbor's driveway, and she has NO MICROCHIP. She's only about a year old and we have only had her for about 8 months. She went missing on Orangepath street in Glendora by Barranca, right across from Citrus College, and Stater Bros. PLEASE HELP US FIND HER!! Also please contact IVHS if you see her or have any information on her absence!! Thank you, we truly miss her and would do anything to get her back!!


Inland Valley Humane Society & S.P.C.A.

500 Humane Way, Pomona, CA 91766
Phone: 909.623.9777 | Fax: 909.623.0432
After Hours Emergency Service: 909.594.9858

© 2023 Inland Valley Humane Society & S.P.C.A.

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